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Pilot Striber
Hvad er EASA, FAA og ICAO? Hvad betyder at man er EASA eller FAA uddannet pilot?
Operationelt om luftfart og flyvning, Uddannelse til pilot

Hvad er EASA, FAA og ICAO? Hvad betyder at man er EASA eller FAA uddannet pilot?

A: Lad os starte med at prøve at gøre det lidt mere overskueligt: ”Worldwide level”                                                                                                                                ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization. ICAO sets international standards & ”recommended practices”  within Aviation. 193 member states as of 2019. ”Regional level” EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency. EASA sets the rules for the EASA region FAA - Federal Aviation Administration. FAA sets the rules for the…

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