Det korte svar er JA. Det vigtige er, at begge lande er medlem af EASA. Om…
Uddannnelse i DK vs USA
Q: Jeg har et spørgsmål. Er der nogle specifike optagelses krav, på diverse flyveskoler i henholdsvis i Danmark og i USA?
A: Hej Adam,
Der er krav til at skulle starte på en pilotskole i Danmark og i USA. Fælles for begge er at du skal kunne opfylde kravene til at få udstedt en medical. I Europæisk regi kalder man det for en JAA Class I medical,
Kravene er beskrevet her:
Initial JAR Class 1 (Professional Pilot)/European Class 3 (ATCO) Medical Examination
Medical History – these are questions about any previous illness declared on your application form. You will be asked about them by the examining doctor, and if there is any major illness in your past, it is important to bring reports about it from your family doctor or specialist. Simple appendicitis or a broken arm are not regarded as major illnesses.
Eyesight – this is the commonest cause of difficulty during the examination. The exact requirements are listed at JAR Class 1 Visual Standards/European Class 3 Visual standards. If you are in any doubt you should take a copy of the standards to an optician who will be able to interpret them. This will allow you to have an initial eye test before coming to Gatwick. If there is any further doubt you should send the optician’s report to Gatwick for assessment.
Physical Examination – a general check that all is functioning correctly. It will cover lungs, heart, blood pressure, stomach, limbs and nervous system. Any changes, such as for example, a heart murmur, may need further tests which usually cannot be done at Gatwick and will have to be arranged elsewhere.
Ears – the audiogram is a test where you signify that you have heard sounds at different frequencies. If you have doubts about your hearing, the required hearing levels are listed in JAR Class 1 Hearing Requirements/European Class 3 Hearing Requirements. It may be possible for you to have a preliminary test at a local hospital. If you can hear a normal voice in each ear separately at 2 metres, you should not have a problem.
Electrocardiogram – (ECG) – this measures the electrical impulses passing through your heart. It can show disorders of the heart rhythm or of the conduction of the impulses, and sometimes it can show a lack of blood supplying the heart muscle. In the unlikely event of these changes showing on your ECG, further tests with a report from a cardiologist will have to be sought (these can sometimes be carried out at Gatwick). Most changes turn out to be of no significance and if they appear again on your subsequent ECGs they can normally be discounted, as they have already been investigated.
Electroencephalogram – (EEG) – this investigation is no longer required for an initial UK JAR Class 1. However, it may still a requirement in other JAA countries and they may require you to have an EEG if you wish to fly their aircraft professionally.
Lung Function Test (spirometry) – this is a test to evaluate the efficiency of your airways. Having asthma does not disqualify you from holding a Class 1 medical, but it must be controlled by your medication and this is assessed by spirometry. If these results are outside the acceptable limits you will be required to undertake an exercise test (see additional charges). It is advisable to wear or bring with you footwear suitable for running for this test.
Haemoglobin blood test – this is a finger prick blood test which measures the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. A low haemoglobin is called anaemia and will need further investigation.
Cholesterol blood test – the same finger prick as above. There is no disqualifying level, but the possible health risks of a high cholesterol will be explained by the doctor at the time of your examination.
Chest X-ray – this investigation is no longer required for an initial UK JAR Class 1, but may be requested if you have any heart or lung problems.
Urine test – mainly looking for sugar (diabetes), protein or blood.
Ud over ovenstående så vil de fleste skoler have en form for optagelses prøve. Du kan læse en masse relevante indlæg via dette link:
Specifikt vedr. skoler i USA skal du udover en evt. optagelsesprøve ansøge om et visum. Jeg har jeg følgende info taget fra en tilfældig skole i Florida (ikke nødvendigvis en vi anbefaler):
M1 Training VISA
An M1 Student Training VISA is required for Flight Training undertaken in the United States…
You will need to obtain an M1 VISA if you are training towards your INITIAL Private Pilot License, Commercial Pilot License, Multi Engine Rating, Instrument Rating, or Instructor Rating.
If you already hold a valid License or Rating and you are simply wishing to convert it, EX; FAA PPL to JAA PPL, or perhaps JAA CPL, IR, MEP to FAA CPL, IR, MEP you will NOT need to obtain a M1 VISA because you already have obtained the training, you are simply converting it to another license of equivilent type.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
TSA Registration is required ONLY IF you are undertaking the following:
Initial Private Pilot License
Initial Multi Engine Rating
Initial Instrument Rating
TSA Registration is NOT required if you are converting your license or rating from an equivilent for example; FAA PPL to JAA PPL or, JAA MEP to FAA MEP.
As part of the process you will also need to fill out the three forms listed below. You may download these .PDF forms now and start to pre-fill them out, however please note that the US authorities now prefer these forms to be filled out online and submitted before your interview date. Details on how to complete this process will be sent to you through email once you have completed your I-20 application form.
Nonimmigrant Visa Application Form: DS-0156 (Dept. of State Website) Supplemental Nonimmigrant Visa Application Form: DS-0157.pdf Contact Information and Work History For Nonimmigrant Visa: DS-0158.pdf Form DS 159 (New only for Select U.S. Embassy Use) DS-0159.pdf Form DS 160 (Online Electronic Form) DS-160 State Website
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